Friday, October 2, 2015

Odd Molly VIP Opening Party @Kamppi Helsinki

This Thursday Odd Molly opened their first store in Finland. Until very recently the brand was still quite unfamiliar for me even  if I had heard of it. For those of you who don't know anything about the brand here's a little background.

"Odd Molly wouldn't exist without Molly. A skater girl in Venice Beach in the 80s, who's courage to break free from conventions and follow her own dreams inspired us to start Odd Molly in the first place. But Molly is more than just a part of our history; Molly is Odd Molly's soul. Her values reflect upon everything we do. Odd Molly will always be inspired by Molly, and fight to have more Mollys in the world."

The VIP opening was thrown last Wednesday with great food, drinks and music. The store is open for business and there are some discounts this week so go check it out. Odd Molly Kamppi shopping centre 1st floor. 

Vielä jokin aika sitten minulle hieman tuntemattomampi vaatebrändi Odd Molly avasi ensimmäisen liikkeensä Suomeen torstaina. Teille jotka ette myöskään brändistä paljon tiedä, Odd Mollyn takana on  Kalifornian Venice Beachiltä kotoisin oleva skeittarityttö Molly, joka vielä tänäkin päivän inspiroi vahvasti Odd Molly -brändiä. VIP avajaiset järjestettiin keskiviikkona hyvän ruuan, juoman ja musiikin kera. Liike on nyt auki ja luvassa tietysti mahtavia avajaistarjouksia joten kannattaa käydä tutustumassa. Odd Molly Kampin ostoskeskus 1. kerros. 

 Dress: Ivanka Trump Bag: Chanel